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Hypnal™ is a revolutionary success programming audio potion that combines the best elements of various techniques, including Subliminal, Hypnosis, Ho’oponopono, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Affirmations, Afformations, Hypnotic Suggestions, Brainwave Entrainment, Angel Numbers, White Magic Spells, DNA Activation, Reiki, Law of Attractions (LOA), and the principles of Manifestation to most effectively reprogramming all layers of your conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds to help you achieve miraculous success. It is specially designed to help you manifest life-changing results by tapping into the power of your own subconscious and unconscious mind.
Hypnal™ is a one-of-a-kind success programming tool that works by accessing and reprogramming your conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds at the same time. It uses a combination of powerful techniques to reprogram all layers of your mind harmoniously. This reprogramming process helps you align your mind with your desired reality and manifest your goals and dreams.
By utilizing various techniques and methodologies, it communicates directly with the powerful aspects of your psyche and stimulates deep-rooted beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, aligning them with your goals. This harmonization empowers you to manifest life-changing results with greater speed and efficiency. It empowers you to tap into your full potential and manifest your desires.
Our development team is always researching various manifestation tools and techniques and implementing them into Hypnal™ the most effective way possible. As mentioned above It is the most potent combination of the best of Subliminal, Hypnosis, Ho’oponopono, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Affirmations, Afformations, Hypnotic Suggestions, Brainwave Entrainment, Angel Numbers, White Magic Spells, DNA Activation, Reiki, Law of Attractions (LOA), and the principles of Manifestation.
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The concept of the right brain and the left brain has been widely discussed in the field of psychology. These two hemispheres of the brain are believed to have different functions and characteristics. Understanding the difference between the right brain and the left brain can help us better understand ourselves and the way we perceive the world.
The left brain is often associated with logical thinking, analytical skills, and language processing. It is responsible for tasks such as reading, writing, and solving mathematical problems. People with left-brain dominance are often good at reasoning and critical thinking. They excel in subjects like science and mathematics.
On the other hand, the right brain is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotions. It is responsible for tasks such as recognizing faces, interpreting art, and understanding metaphors. People with right-brain dominance are often good at visual and spatial tasks. They excel in subjects like art and music.
It is important to note that these characteristics are not exclusive to one hemisphere. Both hemispheres of the brain work together to perform various tasks. However, individuals tend to have a dominant hemisphere that influences their thinking and learning styles.
Understanding the difference between the right brain and the left brain can have a significant impact on our educational and professional lives. For example, knowing your dominant hemisphere can help you choose a career path that aligns with your strengths and interests.
If you have a dominant left brain, you may thrive in fields that require logical thinking and problem-solving skills, such as engineering or finance.
If you have a dominant right brain, you may excel in creative fields such as art or design.
In conclusion, the right brain and the left brain have different functions and characteristics. Understanding these differences can help us better understand ourselves and the way we perceive the world. Whether you have a dominant left brain or a dominant right brain, embracing both hemispheres can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
The human mind is a complex and fascinating entity. It is divided into different levels of consciousness, each playing a unique role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and experiences.
Conscious Mind:
The conscious mind is the part of our mental awareness that we actively experience. It is responsible for our logical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. It accounts for approximately 5-10% of our overall mental capacity. This is the part of our mind that we are aware of, and we can control and direct its focus.
This aspect of our mind allows us to make deliberate choices.
Subconscious Mind:
The subconscious mind exists beneath the level of our conscious awareness. It is responsible for storing our beliefs, memories, emotions, and habits. The subconscious mind accounts for about 50-60% of our mental capacity.
This aspect of our mind operates on autopilot and influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without us consciously realizing it.
Unconscious Mind:
The unconscious mind is the deepest level of our mental state. It is inaccessible to our conscious awareness and accounts for approximately 30-40% of our mental capacity. The unconscious mind stores repressed memories, instincts, and urges that are often hidden from our conscious mind.
This aspect of our mind plays a significant role in shaping our dreams, fears, and desires.
Integration and Balance
While the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds may seem distinct, they are interconnected and constantly influencing one another. Achieving a harmonious integration of these mental layers is essential for overall well-being and personal development.
Hypnal™ is the most revolutionary mind programming tool to harmoniously reprogram all layers of your mind to help you align your mind with your desired reality to manifest your goals and dreams.
To answer this questions we’d like to share an excerpt from the book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”
“The power of your subconscious is enormous. It inspires you, it guides you, and it reveals to you names, facts, and scenes from the storehouse of memory. Your subconscious started your heartbeat, controls the circulation of your blood, regulates your digestion, assimilation, and elimination. When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious mind transmutes it into tissue, muscle, bone, and blood. This process is beyond the ken of the wisest man who walks the earth. Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes and functions of your body and knows the answer to all problems.”
It could be that “The subconscious mind connects with infinity. It is that part of our soul that touches the realm of the divine. Wallace D. Wattles, in his early-1900s classic, “The Science of Getting Rich”, explained it as a formless substance that permeates all of creation and existence.”
Lastly, here’s a quote from Neville:
“I am not speaking of anything rational in this world. I am speaking of a power that isn’t rational. The ‘rational mind’ is simply the interference between the being that you are, and this so-called world that you think so real. No; the rational mind – let it be what it wants to be.” – Neville Goddard